Yanda Bitatj, an education resource from the Eden Language Group
This education resource, a contemporary women’s songline, is bought to you by the Eden Language Group. The video highlights sharing…
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that this site may contain images and voices of deceased persons.
This education resource, a contemporary women’s songline, is bought to you by the Eden Language Group. The video highlights sharing…
Rocky Hall Preschool storybook ‘Giiyong Bangari’ ( Welcome Sun) is a children’s story book and accompanying video written in Yuin…
NAIDOC stands for National Aboriginals and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal…
The National Quality Standard (2018) and the Early Years Learning Framework (2009) propose that embedding an Indigenous perspective and sustainability…
Since the beginning of 2017, Aboriginal students at Eden Public School have been learning the language of their elders, the…
The Australian Early Years Learning Framework (2009) and Closing the Gap (2017) recognises the importance of partnership between ECEC practitioners,…
We at Rocky Hall Preschool have embarked on a journey to embed an Aboriginal perspective into our Early Childhood curriculum…
An inter-generational learning experience was delivered through the Tech Savvy Elders program held at Eden Marine High School on 1…
A compilation of photos from Eden Marine High School, showcasing students from Year 12, Class of 2013.
Excursions and camp activities from Eden Marine High School
Excursions and camp activities from Eden Marine High School
This video will give you some tips on producing content with your local Aboriginal community members.
Respect, Resilience and Responsibility: the 3 Rs. The theme for the local schools is respect, resilience and responsibility. Lee Cruse,…